May 14, 2007

My VERY FIRST Mother's Day!!

Day 51
Originally uploaded by asicyonu.
Yes, after waiting for 3 decades. I finally hop into the mommy wagon and tasted my very first mother's day. The feeling is simply wonderful, as the fact that I'm a mom really start kicking in!! A dream came true, and it is a beautiful one.
We didn't really celebrated Mother's Day per say. Partly because we were exhausted by the full day of going out the day before. (technically, we celebrated Mother's day a day ahead) We had dinner with my parents and my sis & sis-in-law. My mom was quite excited being Grandma!! (she doesn't say it, but you can see it all over her face!)

like what my hubby said, everyday is mother's day for me now. And I cherish every moments of them.
